New Program Offers Self-Defense for Women of Color

Empowerment Self-Defense for Women of Color Promotes Community

A New Self-Defense Program Focuses on Women of Color

A new self-defense program in Columbus, Ohio, is making waves. The “We Are Worth Defending” program was created by LifeCare Alliance and IMPACT Safety specifically for Women of Color. It is taught by Women of Color to Black women in the community. This new program helps women feel safer and more confident by teaching them holistic self-defense skills.

Training Brings Together a Diverse Group

The training brings together a diverse group of women to learn self-defense skills and support one another. As one participant shared, “Getting through the things that we were learning with that cheerleading support in the background with people just knowing what you’re dealing with and supporting you as you as you’re going through it was fantastic.” The group setting provides a sense of community and understanding as the women bond over shared experiences.

Working Through Difficult Emotions Together

Some participants were surprised by how emotional the activities were because they brought up unexpected memories from the past. However, it was crucial for them to work through those emotions as a team during training. As one woman said, “It was part of the experience and I’m happy that it happened.”

Learning Physical Skills and Gaining Confidence

The women were surprised by how much they enjoyed learning the physical self-defense techniques. The training didn’t just focus on kicks and punches, though. It aimed to empower the women more fully, as one trainer described, “Helping them to see their true value and their beauty and helping them to see hey yes I’m a part of this world I can take up space and I have a right to defend myself.” 

Excitement and Empowerment After the Program

The confident energy the women leave with is palpable. Their faces are filled with joy and excitement. The training makes them feel safer in the world, but also more confident in all aspects of life. Many are eager to pass on what they learned by training others in their community. The impact of this could reach many Women of Color who want to feel empowered. As one woman put it, “I am so excited about empowering other women giving them their voice helping them to see their true value and their beauty.”

Meeting an Important Need for Many

Self-defense designed by and for Women of Color meets an important need in many communities. The “We Are Worth Defending” program is helping women feel safer and more empowered. It also creates a supportive community. What an inspiring model of women lifting each other up!

A group of students training in a new self-defense for Women of Color workshop. The women are seen from the side and rear, with their hands raised in a confident, protective gesture.
Self-defense training can be uplifting for individuals and groups.

Key Takeaways

  • A self-defense program called “We Are Worth Defending” was made specifically for Women of Color.
  • It brings together diverse women to bond and support each other. 
  • Working through difficult emotions is part of the empowering process.
  • Women gain physical skills, confidence, and feel safer in the world.
  • Graduates are excited to share what they learned with others.
  • Self-defense for Women of Color meets an important community need.

Get Involved in Similar Programs

Look for Self-Defense Classes in Your Area 

Check if there are self-defense programs for Women of Color in your community. If not, you can contact local groups to generate interest in starting one.

Spread the Word

Tell female friends and family about the benefits of self-defense training. Share this article to raise awareness on social media. Getting the word out can help drive participation.

Volunteer to Help

If you have related skills, volunteer to help organizations like We Are Worth Defending and IMPACT Safety. With your help, they can run empowering programs for Women of Color in your region. Your time and talents can make a difference!

We Are Worth Defending logo with green and blue lettering, alongside a silhouette of a confident Black woman ready for self-defense.

Have a Question?

Do you have a question for us? Would you like to schedule a workshop in your community?

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